Tuesday 6 December 2011

Day 22,040: Lake/Water[2,5]->Thunder/Earth


Day 22,040: Lake/Water[2,5]->Thunder/Earth

Day 22,040 - 2011 1202
Belov-ED Days - 4951
James Oliver Smith, Jr.

I Ching images

Hexagram 42: Adversity, Oppression, Weariness, Exhaustion
01 ---  ---  Lake (Stream, River, Sea, Ocean, Well, Marsh)
02 --------X Mouth
04 --------  The Joyful, Expression, Language

08 ---  ---  Water (Fog, Rain, Flood, Mist, Steam, Moon)
16 --------X Ears
32 ---  ---  The Abyss, Danger, Nourishment

changing towards

Hexagram 60: Repose, Harmony, Enthusiasm, Delight
01 ---  ---  Thunder (Earthquake, Tsunami, Hurricane)
02 ---  ---  Feet
04 --------  The Arousing, The Moving, The Catalyst, The Shock, The Surprise

08 ---  ---  Earth (Valley, Canyon, Prairie, Desert)
16 ---  ---  Belly, Solar Plexus
32 ---  ---  The Creation, The Womb, The Substance

Day 22,040 - Images from the I Ching: Lake [The Joyful] over Water [The Abyss] (Hexagram 42 - Adversity, Oppression, Weariness, Exhaustion) changing towards Thunder [The Arousal, The Shock] over Earth [The Creation, The Womb, Substance, Foundation] (Hexagram 60 - Repose, Harmony, Enthusiasm, Delight) -- Normally, the presence of the joyful, expressive Lake is an image in which we can find comfort. It is from the Lake that we find our voice, our language, our ability to express ourselves. In the context of the external Lake over the internal Water, however, we find ourselves surrounded by the joyful and expressive. There may be a positive and festive mood in the world, in the culture or locally in the neighborhood. It could be an approaching holiday or a series of birthdays for well loved and appreciated relatives or friends. However, inside, within our spirit we may be feeling discouraged and depressed. We may have just lost a friend or relative, or we may have lost a job, been denied a raise or simply been feeling the effects of some virus. Whatever the circumstances, this image is associated with dissonance between what we feel inside and what is unfolding in the world around us. The joy that we may normally feel given the way things are going in our life externally is being drained, from below, inside of our core. Something substantive may be threatened and we are simply too weak or emotionally distraught to overcome the sadness, the melancholy, the adversity.

These are times when we need whatever resources we have stored away for use in the midst of the sure-to-come rainy day. We are all going to experience these times, so pretending that every day is going to go smoothly and quickly is simply inconsistent with the impartial manner in which the Universe plays out. Yes, the sun will rise, and, yes, rain is important for the growth of crops and, yes, even snow is anxiously awaited by the outdoor winter sports enthusiast, but each of us individually vacillate across the full spectrum of emotion and we all react differently to all types of news.

So, it is important to understand up front that just because the world looks great outside does not mean that it is necessary for us to feel exuberant inside. We often feel, and are told by the culture at large, that all we need to do is "buck up", "stand tall" and "smile", as though good feelings and positive perspectives are simply a matter of flipping a switch and all will be all right. That is simply not how the Universe developed us. When the internal Abyss is draining our reserves from below it is a time to rest and avoid over-extending ourselves. All of life in the Universe comes under stress, both plants and animals, and all of life needs to take time to step back, recuperate and build reserves, whether it is for a draught, a flood, extreme cold, deep snows, hurricanes, earthquakes, war, pressures at work or bullies at school. We will never be able to overcome the internal abyss by simply pretending to be happy and proceeding as though everything is normal.

The external Lake is there, and it is joyful, but it also has depths that we need to be aware of, and when the Abyss of water is added to the mix anything we do will add to the weariness, exhaustion and oppression. Taking care of ourselves becomes the priority. After rest and a rebuilding of reserves we will be able to more effectively take advantage of those times when we are ready to be in unison with the joyful Lake around us.

Fortunately, the Universe is a Universe of changes and there are changes in the image of Lake over Water. These changes take place in the second, middle (core) line of each Trigram, moving the external Lake to external Thunder (Catalist, Movement, Shock) and the internal Abyss to internal Earth (Creation, Substance, Foundation).

Thunder over Earth is a sign of Repose, Harmony, Enthusiasm and Delight. The Catalyst of Thunder serves as an image of action, of moving to another level, possibly a reaction to something. Without the motivation of the archetypal Thunder in the Universe, nothing would get done. We would simply stay in one place and ponder the possible. But with Thunder we actually realize our ideas and our desires and carry out those plans that we have so meticulously drawn up. In this case, the external Thunder is an indication that the world around us is moving in some new direction, changing the landscape of our lives. This, of course, can be disorienting, but it can also be invigorating.

Thunder over the Earth brings to mind a storm that has just past and and we can still hear the rumble on the horizon as it moves away. But the air left behind is fresh and there is an electric flair in our nostrils. Our muscles are charged with anticipation, but the internal Earth moves more circumspectfully than the shock-and-awe of Thunder, so we remember to pause for a moment before we move. The storm has brought nutrition to the greenworld and there is much that needs to be done, but keeping the Earth in mind, what is the most harmonious way to proceed? That is the path that will bring delight, especially in the aftermath of the despair we may have experienced in Lake over Water ... il matto ...





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